
"You can't see it, but I'm dancing... literally I'm doing the jig right now, honest..."
08.19.04 - 5:43 PM

So, my research advisor went on to Washington, DC today, while I returned home to Columbus.

New York is awesome, but it's nice to be home...

And, in an interesting turn of fate (Thank you, Jeebus!), on the flight home I met someone... a female, physics major, my age, who goes to OSU, who is... drop dead gorgeous... and doing research in my field, and... and... and... gorgeous.

Smart, funny, sexy... excuse me whilst I pick my tongue up off the floor...


::does a little dance::

Finally, a girl that can appreciate the hatred I have for Maxwell, and someone who listened to me talk about my research... and understood it... and asked questions like... like a physicist would... and... and... it's... it's so exciting...

I'm having lunch with her tomorrow.


Because I'm the mother fuckin' man, that's why.

Did I mention she's gorgeous? Oh, I did...


This changes everything.

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