
"I guess the weekend wasn't a total wash: I did buy pants."
09.19.04 - 8:16 PM

Ugh... advanced geometry is the bane of my existence...

I swear... 20 proofs to have completed for tomorrow... I only could do four of them.

And it's not that I didn't try... I spent an hour trying to prove Passus' Generalization of the Pythagorean Theorem... and I know it works too... I can see how it works... but, for the life of me I cannot make it happen with statements...


I've been so unsuccessful this weekend... I had planned on finishing those things yesterday, getting my quantum done (it's alright that I haven't finished it: it's not due until Wednesday).

I'm really not as worried about geometry as I appear to be, because I know Dr. Tong is going to lecture on the stuff tomorrow, and maybe after that it'll make sense.

It's just weird to be reading this math, and for it to not just make sense.

I mean... I'm shaken by this.

I read the section, it seems to make sense... I get to the proof I'm supposed to do, and I can't make it happen. It's like I've lost me mojo or something...

Hold me.

Anywho... all the have-to stuff is done except for reading a play which I'll be doing before bed...

So I guess that's it... I worked all weekend long, and have nothing done. Awesome.

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