
"Lack of updates... my bad."
10.05.04 - 11:03 PM

Well... I'm basically now done with the pile of crap I wanted to get done last weekend. I'm in position to finish my quantum homework sometime tomorrow, which will help give me time to come up with a proof to present this week in geometry. I'll have to present seven more over the next five weeks though (excluding the one I'll give this week)... so I'll have to give two per week for a couple of weeks. Awesome, yeah?

And, it appears that my copies of Megatokyo Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 have arrived... must remember to go to the mail center and pick them up tomorrow... if only I knew where my student ID was... ::scratches forehead::

I'm pretty tired, and I'd like to escape to dreamland for a while, where it is I (not ) who has just one a Nobel Prize, and the King of Sweden is actually... oop... that's just for me... ::wink::

(BTW, Frank Wilczek, the 2004 Nobel Laureate in Physics was my thesis advison's Ph.D. thesis advisor... I get to meet him next year, too... that's right... I'm the scientific grandson of a nobel laureate. Also, if you go to the above note about the prize, you'll see that it's been awarded for the development of Quantum Chromodynamics... in case you're interested, my area of research is in the Renormalization of the QCD Hamiltonian in the Coulomb Gauge... yeah... that's right... bow before my m4d QCD sk1||z...)

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