
11.09.04 - 6:56 PM

I got an A on my second quantum midterm. Of course, there will be other A's, after the curve... mainly Jimbo... but I'm the only person that got an A before the curve...

If you recall... I did this on the last midterm as well...

I got straight A's last year... but I only pulled a real A on one test least year...

So far... I'm batting a thousand.

I blame my insatiable desire to learn physics, long nights in the labs, and a certain acumen when it comes to qm...

In short: I gots mojo...

But, before I get you all gooey from mojo drippage, I have to go... observing tonight, then I'm going to sit down and do an assload of geometry, so that I can take tomorrow and fire through my research proposal... since Dr. L. has told me both my first one ("too scientific, above my head") and my second one ("too conversational, make it a science paper") were both shit.

He's kind of pissing me off...

Feeling: Good
Listening To: Jeopardy

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