
"Is anything different these days?"
11.15.04 - 10:04 PM

I'm tired.

I have to modify my proposal tonight, as well as (ideally) finish my lab report.

I'm so tired.

My brother acts as if I'm not helping around the house enough since my mom broke her leg because I stay out all night.

Excuse me for working 20 hour days and holding this household together...

I'm tired... I've said that already, I know.

It's just I only got about three hours of sleep last night and tonight doesn't look much better.

It doesn't really help that my dreams at night make me feel like shit in the morning...

Why do I have to have emotional problems, on top of physics problems?

I need to get my head checked, adopt the buddhist philosophy fully, and move to Tibet.

Because one thing is for sure: I cannot maintain my current pace, and keep up the facade that I'm happy with my life.

I'm too tired to put in a squiggly c...

I'll add it in later if I remember, after I finish my two papers and my math for tonight.

Feeling: Upset
Listening To: Counting Crows - Chelsea

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