
"The next Einstein might end up being just a patent clerk."
03.02.04 - 7:54 PM

You can now comment on these entries... I don't like that... but I did it... we'll see if it lasts.


So I voted today...

We have this issue on the ballot... whether or not to fund COSI - The Center of Science and Industry. Y'see... this place, it's the shizzit. It introduces kids to... well... science and industry. But yeah, it's basically the only attraction we have in these parts suitable for elementary age kids to go to that is science oriented, and up until today, you had to pay something like $15 each to go to it. Well... they put it on the ballot wether or not we, the taxpayers should foot the bill and make it free.

And all of these people are like "AHHH!!! TAXES!!! NO!!!"

Well... the fact of the matter is this:

The owner of a $100,000 home's taxes would go up by approximately $13.50. So, for less than the cost of one trip per year, you can make this place which, I should mention, sparked my own interest in science as a kid (thanks to a lovely bubble explosion demonstration), absolutely free for anyone to visit.

Well... if you are so uptight that you do not wish to make this, which is by far the most educational location in Ohio, free for children to go to and visit and provide at least a modicum of education and spark for science, well all I can say is...


Needless to say, I voted for it.

And, I should mention that if the levy doesn't pass, I'll be buying a membership to COSI for the next year, even if I don't go...

If we don't foster the interest in the sciences, we're only hurting ourselves.


In other news, is a complete and utter bitch.

"We're sorry, we know that you paid an extra $15 for 'one-day shipping' on this item, but we've decided that we're going to ship it to you regularly, and keep your money. Now, if you'd please lube up and bend over..."

Yeah... sumbitch.


I've got stuff to do today... I hopes you all enacted your right to vote today... if ya didn't... again...

"For SHAME!!!"


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