
"The probability of finding me during spring break is inversely proportional to the magnitude of your urgency."
03.17.04 - 7:49 PM

I am done with all my finals...

And I'm going to get a 4.0 this quarter...

Which could roughly be described as "awesome". And, by "awesome", I mean totally sweet.


Here's just some stats for you about the last week in my life:

� Advanced Electromagnetism I: Study time, 21 hours. Test took 3 and a half hours to complete.

� Advanced Dynamics II: Study time, 15 hours. Test took 2 hours (2 problems!).

� Honors Comp. and Lit: Study time, 9 and a half hours. Test took two hours to finish.

� Theory of Vector Spaces: No actual exam, but there was a final problem set which took approximately 9 hours to finish.

There are 168 hours in a week, and that studying/working took a total of 62 hours.

Needless to say, I'm very happy to say that this week is done. But I'm glad I put all that time into it, because I'm going to get a 4.0 and that's just what it takes to get a 4.0 in college as a physics/math double major.


Next up... I have my schedule finalized for next quarter. I decided to drop my Film and Literature class even though I was really looking forward to it... Instead I'll be taking astronomy. Mind you, this is the same astronomy class which I usually procter the observing sessions for about five times during the quarter.

It's hilarious. You have to attend at least one observing session per quarter and you have to write this thing about what you saw.

Well... remember me? I'm the kid with the key to observatory who spends four nights a week up on the roof collecting some random data.

I'm the kid that rewrote the software to control the dome and the main scope...

I'm allowed to touch the main scope.

Hehe... this class will be cake. Especially since I already know everything that they teach you in this class.

This, my friends, is the problem with a liberal arts education. I wasn't "allowed" to take this class until after I got all of my general education requirements for freshmen and sophomore years, even though I'm the closest thing Otterbein has come to an astrophysicist in years!

Eh... I'll enjoy the class. Especially since I'll be the dork that starts explaining how the Roche Limit works on a mathematical level.

[Hehe... did that math scare you? It shouldn't. It's just relatively simple orbital mechanics. It doesn't even involve a differential equation... ]


I'm excited to start next quarter. Not only is the weather nice during spring quarter (granted, that makes spending 21 hours on the weekend in a lab unbearable) but my class rock...

� Astronomy
� General Relativity
� Advanced Electrodynamics II
� Real Analysis

So, despite only being four classes, it's going to be a tough quarter...

But fun!

And I'm pretty sure I'll get a 4.0 next quarter too... ;-)

Well... my first real update in days... and I don't have to take another final for 12 weeks... so expect them to be more regular now as well...

That's it...

I need to clean my room... later.

Feeling: Relieved
Listening To: Hootie and the Blowfish - I'm Goin' Home

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