
"What's the frequency, Kenneth?"
03.25.04 - 8:33 PM

Today was boring, as per the norm. Did some work in the lab, tried to get Slackware to run on an old Pentium POS... but ended up installing Debian because I got tired of editing config files. I don't get it, I run Slack on my box and it only took about an hour to get it how I wanted it... but I spent three hours working on it in the lab.

Oh well... my guess is Slack would end up disappearing off of that machine after a short while anyway, as I've set this up to show some of the guys the bells and whistles of Linux... and while I've mastered Slack-foo... I'm guess that the guys want to see something that looks better than Windows.

Yeah... maybe I should blather about something other than Linux.

I played tennis today... I won 6-3 6-2 6-2 against my brother. My serve wasn't as good as it could have been... I ended up slacking off on the speed and just hitting the ball to him. It worked out good, it turns out that to beat him all I have to do is hit the ball straight back at him, which is great when I play my brother but once the leagues start this summer I'm going to get killed.

Oh well... I guess I'll just have to start going to the gym again. That has it's plusses and minuses... A plus is the fact that I work out in a private college's gym... and my school is notorius for it's 6:1 male to female ratio... get my drift? *wink*

A minus... I have to get up early and actually go.

That part sucks.

But anywho...

I've realized that I'm supposed to meet with my research advisor next week and I haven't coded hardly anything... so I'm going to devote all day tomorrow to coding...


Anywhere from 4 to 8 hours typing rather obfuscated C++ code with emacs.

(For the record and for those who know what emacs is... I'm one of the few 'geeks' that hates emacs... I use it... only because it's better than vi for what I'm doing... but I also bitch about it like you wouldn't believe.)

Eggheads of the world, unite!

That's it for today kiddies... this entry was brought to you by the letter ζ and the number π.

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