
"All the boys and all the girls... sweet-toothed, each and every one a little scary."
03.26.04 - 8:21 PM

Had a really weird dream last night...

I was sitting in the classroom of my 12th grade AP English class, and I was freaking out.

Because, the time period was current, like, I knew I was in college. But, apparently, I was taking an english class with the nasty old nagging you-know-what that was my 12th grade english teacher.

(To make a long story short, I hated this woman, though she thought of me as her best student... she loved me... ::shudders::)

Anywho... I was freaking out because I hadn't done any of her stupid vocabulary worksheets or vocab. flashcards

Yes, we still did vocabulary in 12th grade ap lit, even though the only teacher that did that was her... you know... I bet she thinks the fact that I got a 680 vocabulary SAT score directly relates to the damn flashcards she had us make... stupid bitch.

Now, I don't know about all of the people in my class, but we were all pretty intelligent... and all were well spoken. We didn't need to be taught words like "inept" and "digress"... we knew those words already. And certainly, considering half of the class would be valedictorians at the end of the year, we had good enough studying abilities that flashcards shouldn't have been mandatory. I don't use flashcards... I don't need them. I can look at the definition of a word once and remember it. In short... this lady couldn't teach.

But I digress...

So in my dream I was freaking because I hadn't done any of the like 20 set of flashcards/vocabulary sheets I was supposed to have done. But... I had a good excuse...

I was writing a paper and giving a presentation on string theory which literally took me four months to do... and in my spare time I was taking advanced Hamiltonian mechanics II and advanced electrodynamics, as well as two 300-level math classes.

So I was freaking... and when I went to her and said... "Okay... I didn't do any of the vocabulary. I was uh... being a theoretical physicist and didn't have time."

And she took on the nagging tone she always gave me and my friends in high school... and said: "Well... I guess I'll let it slide... just turn them in tomorrow with your paper."

Me: "What paper?"

Bitch: "Your research paper."

Me: "What fucking research paper??? You didn't say a damn word about a research paper?"

Bitch: "Yes I did. I assigned you to write a 70-page research paper on 'THE STRENGTH OF WEAK INTERACTIONS AT VERY HIGH-ENERGIES AND THE HIGGS BOSON MASS'."

Me: "What the fuck??? I don't even know what that means!!!"

Bitch: "Well... it looks like YOU won't get Summa Cum Laude"


So then I woke up... apparently this teacher is still haunting my nightmares...

I don't know what that meant... but I'm going to take it as a warning... to make sure I pay attention and don't accidentally forget to do an assignment next quarter.

Although, I'm taking all high-level math and physics classes so I probably will only be doing problem sets and interesting things like that all quarter... save for my astronomy class which I'm pretty sure I can pass without even going.

Anyway... I have weird dreams... they usually mean nothing.

But yeah... my neighbor's kids are pissing me off with their basketball hoop... they hit my car one more time I'm going to say a word or two to Marine boy that lives next door.

He might be able to lift more than me and know more ways to kill a man... but I...

Yeah... I'll be nice.

But I bet I could whoop his ass when it comes to calculating polylogarithms.


Later days.

Feeling: Miffed
Listening To: REM - "E-bow the Letter"

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