
"It's been a bad day."
03.27.04 - 10:39 PM

I didn't really do anything productive today... did some mindless tasks with my computer (cleaned up all my coding stuff, burned like 20 some CD's and one DVD, and I finally got around to getting my linux box on the network) and I played some tennis. I beat E-dub 6-1 6-1 6-2... so it's actually more like "I beat the living crap out of my brother on the tennis court."

But yeah... today was pretty boring, all in all.

I don't know what's up... I've been in this funk for the last few days.

I'm also having trouble coming up with something to say to M...

I think that might be because I really have nothing to say.

Hmm? How about I say... "Well, that's it. Talk to you in another 10 months."


I don't like that one.

You know... I think more than anything I just want the quarter to start already, that way I have something to really dig into and focus my attention on.

This sitting at home has been lovely and all... but damn, I can only recompile my linux kernel so many times...

Y'know what I'm saying?

Jesus! Did I really just say "Y'know what I'm saying?" in a journal entry?

It appears that my journal-voice is being affected by the new self-deprecating physgeek.

Feeling: Crummy
Listening To: REM - "Bad Day"

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