
"I never had light in my eyes anyway..."
04.04.04 - 10:09 PM

New design... I managed to finish my homework earlier than I thought I would... so I took my free time and put it to good use.

In case there are some of you out there unfamiliar with my idea of a good website design... my motto is "simplicity is a virtue". Thus, this is a spinoff of an earlier journal theme I used that was black and white... but I love this blue color so much that I used it instead of black.

I hope you like... and if you don't tough shit it's going to be here until at least the end of the quarter and possibly quite longer.


Other than designing this layout and doing my homework... I didn't really do much today.

I'm rather tired because of this whole daylight savings time switcheroo we all go through every year (unless you live in a little strip of Indiana). I'm hoping to get to bed soom but I have two 600 meg files I need to download and burn to a CD before school tomorrow...

So I'll be up waiting on that. (It's the Gentoo linux distro in case anybody's wondering...)

Won't be too long...

But yeah... that's it. I'm tired. I'm lonely. I'm going to go watch the status bars on my downloads...


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