
"Woe, my nights are so long."
09.01.04 - 12:32 PM

Yeah so yesterday sucked... maybe you could tell I was a little pissed off about things yesterday, I don't know. I sort of took everything that was bothering me, ignored it, and instead focused my attention to work which led to me getting all excited and positive about the prospects of a successful career as a physicist.

Anywho... the reason yesterday sucked is that another heartless harpy decided to break up with me... all's well that end's well, 'tis better to have loved and lost, blah blah blah... I say good riddance...

Today I woke up late again, I need to start going to sleep at a reasonable hour rather than saying that I'm going to bed at a reasonable hour only to then fire up counterstrike and unleash a heaping pile of kick ass on some unknowing 15 year olds...

Speaking of, what the hell is up with people who use the voice chat feature to blast awful music through to everybody else... Voice chat is for belittling those with w34k sk1llz, not annoying people.

Anyway... seeing as it's summer and I've worked... well... sort of hard, I think I deserve a break once and a while...

Though now, I'm going to go throw myself into coding... even if my research advisor decided to take a week off.

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