
"Unabashed Patriotism"
09.01.04 - 11:06 PM

I no longer have a girlfriend, and that makes me sad... but, I'm not too emotionally destroyed this time around.

That sounds weird.

I'm not going to try and explain it any further.

Anyone watch the RNC tonight?

I thought Zell Miller's speech was fantastic... and Vice President Cheney exuded the calm, cool composition of a presidential character such as his in extraordinary fashion.

I can't wait for President Bush's speech...

So people ask me... they ask, "Dude, why are you a republican?"

Now, I've addressed this before, but never in the detail that I'm about to go into...

Why I'm a Republican:

1.) I was introduced to politics on a Tuesday morning in September three years ago... I was taking a calculus test when my teacher turned on the TV and said "Guys, watch this... it's important." I saw the second plane hit the World Trade Center and I watched both towers fall. I saw the Pentagon burning and the charred field in Pennsylvania. Those images haunt me, as they haunt all Americans. I believe that in order to prevent terrorist activities such as the events of 9/11/2001, we must have a government that is not afraid to take the unpopular route to protect it's citizens. The War on Iraq, though thus far fruitless in terms of producing weapons of mass destruction stockpiles, has made our nation safer. There is one less totalitarian regime seeking nuclear weapons to point at Israel and the United States, and there is one less rogue dictator to lend support to terrorists (whether finanically, militarily, or logistically... support IS support).

2.) In January of 2001, the Bush administration took office with a nation beginning to falter. The economy was entering a recession, the dot-com-bubble had burst, and taxes were exorbitant. The events of September 11th only added to the economic frustrations of the nation, and it is only the principle of fiscal responsiblity and smaller government that has led to the upturn in the economy. Jobs were lost, gas prices are high, and the stock market is anything but stable... but were it not for the precise budget and tax incentives rolled out by the Bush Administration, our nation would be in a much worse place than it is today.

3.) The Republican platform, the platform on which President Bush is running on, seeks to institute a new "ownership era", and era in which the entrepeneurial spirit held by Americans for generations will be fostered to help grow the economy, and build a stronger nation.

4.) The Republican party offers solutions to problems, rather than blathering on about the problems that exists. Results, not rhetoric, will lead this nation through the 21st century.

In short, I am a republican because I am in favor a strong military which will protect our nation from terrorists before they get a chance to strike, a program of fiscal responsiblity to build our nations resources and give our country what it needs to protect it's citizens, and fortitude in a fearful world.

The choices that face us in this election are clear... a choice between strength and uncertainty, between optimism and pessimism, between opportunity and dependence, between freedom and fear, and a choice between moving forward and turning back. I, and Republicans throughout this great nation, choose strength, optimism, opportunity, freedom, and moving forward under the guidance of President George W. Bush.

The next four years are crucial, to our existence and to generations to come. I don't think that we should let terrorists win by being afraid of the future. I no longer fear the "what ifs" that seem to be on everyone's mind.

I am an American. I serve my country today by speaking for that which I believe in, and if one day my country calls upon me to fight for with bullets that which today I fight for with words, then on that day I shall stand and salute the flag of the United States of America and serve my country the way millions of Americans have in the past and to this very day.

I fear not war or death in pursuit of freedom.

As Franklin D. Roosevelt put it in his first Inagural Address, at a time when the nation was on the verge of World War II... "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

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