
"Karmic retribution?"
10.10.04 - 7:09 PM

I haven't been updating much lately. I'm feeling more and more disconnected from the internet world each year...

Maybe because rather than sitting around bored (like I was in high school and freshmen year) I'm doing things that are both interesting and challenging, and ergo I'm not as prone to writing melodramatic treatises on the nature of something - anything - and instead, I'm working.

I've been spending a lot of late nights working this quarter, though a part of me feels like I'm not working hard enough. But, I think that I feel that way only because I've been spending a lot of valuable time doing things that need to be done, but are rather useless in satiating my mind.

Also, the other reason I've been feeling good is because I'm happy... I'm not feeling overly lonely, and I'm not worrying about money as much as I did last year...

Working your butt off in academia can pay off... my research funding when from $5k a year to $10k, and I recieved another scholarship, which, since I have a full tuition scholarship, and a grant covering books/parking, comes directly to me... the extra $4500/yr combined with making about $5k more than I made last year has put me on easy street, and allowed me to replace my broken laptop... which lets me work better yatta yatta yatta...

Things are good.

I'm full of energy, I'm getting back in shape (though Twizzlers will be the death of me), and I'm happy.


That's all.

I hope I haven't made you feel depressed with this treatise on how my life kicks ass...

Also... I feel a lot smarter now. I used to feel smart sure, sort of... I mean, physics and math? Yeah... I'm the man, I always have been. But for the past few months I've been expanding my horizons, I started watching even less TV, and reading more books, and delving further into the arts. And I feel like moreso now than ever I'm able to formulate and deliver opinions concisely, eloquently, and with a rigor I've never known.

Oh... my political views are starting to change too, but that's a subject upon which I could write for hours and I really need to do my next lab... so I'll save that for another day.

Feeling: positive
Listening To: Gershwin - Moonlight Sonata (performed by Columbia Symphony Orchestra w/ Leonard Bernstein)

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