
"Blah blah... expectation value... blah blah renormalize psi... blah blah I HATE GAUSSIAN INTEGRALS!!!"
10.12.04 - 11:19 PM

I'm tired...

It's days like these when I just want to sit here, grouse something inaudible, and pretend that I already have a Ph.D., drive a nice car, and have a beautiful wife...

Sadly... pipe dreams.

But I should kick ass on tomorrow's quantum test... that's good, right?

Also... is it strange that I'm getting hits on my journal from Will I be the subject of a secret 60 Minutes tell-all about the life of internet addicts?

Eh... I'll do an interview... so long as it's via IRC.

Feeling: tired only tells half the tale
Listening To: The Lovin' Spoonful - Do You Believe in Magic?

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