
"Do vegetarians eat animal crackers?"
10.17.04 - 10:51 PM

I spent the day writing code for a lab and doing more research-related reading. I also wrote up a solution to one of the geometry proofs, so that I can present it tomorrow.

I find that, on days when I present a problem in geometry, I'm more content and excited to do other tasks. It's probably just some weird buzz I get from explaining things to people, but I also think it has something to do with proving myself... even if it's only in the slightest way.

I had a fairly productive weekend, if I do say so myself. Things went smoothly, and of the eight or nine items on my list which I wanted to cross off, I managed all but one of them (writing an introduction for my literature review, which will be presented with my thesis at the end of next year).

I have a good block of time free tomorrow afternoon, so at lunchtime I'll swing home and grab my laptop, and go back to the lab and get a good start on it.

I'm basically thinking that I'll outline what QFT is... why it's important to physics (and ergo humanity) in general, and then, using that as a basis, explain what I hope to accomplish with my research.

That shouldn't take that long. Summarizing all of these articles, and well, understanding them... that's another story.

Too much abstruse mathematics that I've not yet sat down to actually look at...

This week should be fairly relaxing... no major exams, a single paper, no Honors seminar... plus an SPS meeting and a trip to Perkins Observatory. Plus, Wednesday night is the season premiere of The West Wing, the only good thing on television.

In fact, the only psuedo-stressful items on the agenda are a quantum homework and a geometry quiz...

I've signed up for NaNoWriMo 2004... have you? 50,000 words in 30 days... piece of cake.

Feeling: Upbeat
Listening To: The Streets - Let's Push Things Forward

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