
"I've seen fire and I've seen rain... I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end."
10.26.04 - 9:36 PM


That's a word I never really understood before college. Sure, I finished high school with eight varsity letters, a kickass financial aid package, and all the extra pomp and circumstance revolving around being a valedictorian... and I used to think that on those nights when practice and studying for two exams "exhausted me"... but they didn't.

Now, trying to balance two full-scale research projects (one for my degree in physics which might get published, one for my degree in math, neither or which will be finished in the next year, but still seem to be bogarting all of my attention these days) on top of an advanced course on quantum mechanics, an advanced laboratory course, noneuclidean geometries, and and AND being lab assistant dealing with idiot freshmen that don't understand anything...

I'm exhausted.

But, I don't have the luxury of being exhausted, because I need to get a presentation ready for geometry tomorrow, do some more math pertaining to my QCD Renomalization research, and read Dante's Inferno... though I've read it twice before so that should be fairly easy...

Yep... awesome night ahead of me...

Oh... and I have thoughts of a love lost festering since I saw her tonight... lovely, ain't it?

Feeling: bloody well exhausted old chap
Listening To: James Taylor - Fire and Rain

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