
"Semiconscious rambling..."
10.27.04 - 10:20 PM


I did a lot of quantum tonight, though none of it for the next problem set. Also looked at some research related stuff, including the first crackpot paper I've ever pulled off of the HEP database at SLAC.

Things are �berhectic around here...

Leo had a fucking hear attack... I think CJ will be the new COS, Josh will resign from the Bartlett administration to run Santos' (Jimmy Smits) campaign... and Josh and Donna will get together finally...

I'm such a dork... I only watch one hour of TV a week... you'd think that such a trivial little thing like The West Wing wouldn't be able to find its way into my diary...

Well... if I wasn't such a fucking loser... hah...

I'm going to go write a term paper...

Have a good one... or don't... it's up to you.

Feeling: Tired
Listening To: None

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