
"When I was a kid I used to build little laboratories out of legos for my lego men to experiment in. That's not so weird, is it?"
01.25.04 - 5:27 PM

I relaxed yesterday (really?) and so I felt that I needed to work my ass off today so that I'm in an okay position going into the new week.

I did some homework and wrote the first two pages of a five page paper... I'm also going to do some more math homework later on.

I suppose that since this is a new diary I should explain what I do so that you all can relate a bit... "math" meaning more than you would ever think.

I'm a double major in theoretical physics and pure mathematics. I'm a sophomore and all of my classes are at the 300/400 level... interesting huh? Not really, it just means that I do complex math every day of every week of every month of every year. Why so much? Well... I'm also a research assistant for the Otterbein College Center for Computational Physics... so I'm continually working a research project that requires me writing code to solve complex theoretical physics problems.

That is interesting, no?

So that's what I do. Love me for it or hate me for it... it's up to you.

I'm going to try and leave as much techincality out of this journal as I can because people don't like it when I blab on about two-loop self energy integrals or quantum field theories...

That's a fact that I still don't understand, but to each his own, right?

Basically what you're going to find is that my life... well... it's what we in the physics world call... A MASSIVE SPIRALING BLACK HOLE OF SUCK!


You try spending 90 hours a week working on math that would give even those with the strongest of stomachs and backgrounds in calculus go "Hrrrrmmmph I think I'm gonna yaaaaaaack!!!"

You'll also see that I'm fecetious most of the time... :-)


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