
"I'm not crazy... seriously... I just like HAM radios and the mad scientist lifestyle..."
02.01.04 - 9:18 PM

So after Christmas I hopped on eBay to sell my old Palm m100 (since I've a new one)...

And let me tell you... today I discovered what shweet things eBay has to offer...

I'm bidding on a portable CB radio (I'm a HAM enthusiast) and I think I'm going to bid on this old laptop to convert for a special project of mine...

Hehe... you've all got a picture of a mad scientist going "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!" holding a laptop and a welding torch...

Well... you're half right...

Haha... I kid I kid!

But seriously, there is some shweet stuff on there...

In other news... the SuperBowl is boring as hell...

And I've yet to see my Homer Simpson "Priceless" commercial...

And my gecko/duck/Britney commercial for that matter.



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