
"It's the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, who usually do."
02.28.04 - 4:02 PM

Hmm... it's four o'clock on Saturday and I have three of the seven things on my to do list for this weekend done... pretty spiffy, huh?

I'd say so.

Of course, the remaining four things are three problem sets and a research paper (which I've already started writing)...


I'm going to play tennis tonight and I believe I'm going golfing tomorrow...


I really want to get a good start on these problem sets so that I'm not rushing to get them done next week...



I'ma go do that...


Right now...

I mean right... this... second...

Here's something I found on the 'net I liked... it's about all the great people that changed the world that were thought of as sort of crazy, like Albert Einstein, Amelia Earhart, Gandhi, Ted Turner, Richard Feynman... et al...

Gotta love Apple...

One of these days I'm going to be in an Apple ad...


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