
"Orthogoanlity has nothing to do with mojo... or does it?"
03.08.04 - 9:57 PM

I'm tired...

Wrote a lot of my research paper tonight... enough to make the classmate of mine that has to read it shit his/herself with all the advanced quantum mojo stuff...

You try writing about superstring theory without mentioning things like 10-dimensional spacetime, Calabi-Yau spaces, chiral supersymmetry, and of course, D-branes... I just can't wait to see what happens when they read this eloquent yet utterly boring paper...

I'm betting they don't even read it they just say "Yup... good stuff. Glad I'm not a physics major."

Really it's not as bad as it seems...

I'm tired... I think I've mentioned that.

I had some weird dreams last night... in one my dog died... and in another... well... let's just say the name starts with "M" and things didn't exactly end well with me and her in real life...

But the dream had me sitting in electrodynamics this morning reapeating to myself... "Yeah... you gotta email her. Yup yup..."


I'm tired, I'm stressed, and I have this question for homework:

"Show that the spherical harmonic Y21 is, in fact, normalized. Also show that it is orthogonal to Y00."

At least I know what it means, and I guess orthogonality really isn't that hard to show but it's going to be a bitch and a half to show that it's already normalized I think...

Gah! Why am I complaining on here? None of you care!!! Or understand my complaints!


Make me a sammich!

Feeling: Tired
Listening To: Sterling

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