
"Nobody here gets a word that I say."
04.01.04 - 9:07 PM

I'm pretty tired. Today is my day with a late class, the lovely astronomy class where we learn stuff I already know.

I've manned a freaking telescope once a week since I started as a teaching assistant... plus I did an astrophysics research project that resulted in a paper that... *cough* GOT PUBLISHED IN A PHYSICS JOURNAL!!!

I think I know my way around the sky at night...

So why am I in an introductory astronomy class?

Because the dullards at Otterbein College require that you take 10 hours of science "Integrative Studies" (general ed) classes... and it was either astronomy, energy and society, chemistry affects our lives, or biology and the human process.

So far, I have astronomy. I'm going to take the energy class because, gee... I'M A PHYSICS MAJOR and the prof that teaches that class is in the physics department...

Plus, I took AP Bio in high school and hate the thought of taking another biology class.

The chem class?

Well... if you're asking me why I'm not taking it... the answer is so simple that I need to utter the words.


This astronomy is mind-numbingly boring. I sit there, watching my E&M professor ramble on about Betelgeuse in Orion while I'm thinking... "Why aren't you calling it Alpha Orionus???"

He says something about the zodiac...

I think: "I wonder if he's going to get to the nitty gritty details of orbital mechanics..."

... and I look at my notebook ten minutes later and realize I've written out all of the principle equations governing orbital mechanics...

I listen and here that he's back to talking about Orion...

So I take out my GR book at start working on this differential geometry problem...

Yeah, I know... I present the image of a bad student... but damnit... I could pass the final for this class if the test were written in German...

And I don't know a lick of German...

That's how confident I am when it comes to this...

Yeah... you all think I'm a pompous arrogant sumbitch now, don't you?

Well... when it comes to this shit I AM dammit... you want to go toe to toe with me... well...

What's formula relating the semimajor axis of a planetary orbit to it's period, given that the solar system consists of a single main sequence star and a jovian planet the size of, say, Jupiter, neglecting all gravitational a relativistic effects from extra-system bodies?


Feel free to eat your hat.


By the way, when there's an asteroid the size of Texas hurtling towards Earth someday, I'm gonna be the guy that they call to figure out how to blow the motherfucker up. So you might want to be nice to me...

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