
"Clearly I'm a genius. If only she knew it. But somewhere in her radius, I really blew it."
04.10.04 - 10:55 PM

You want to know what's funny? I mean, something thats fall-down-pee-your-pants-kick-in-the-crotch funny?

If someone were to ask me: "Kellen... how's come you aren't happy?"

I'd be clueless.

I mean, I swear, I'd end up standing there open mouthed and speechless.

I don't know what's wrong with me.

What I do know is that even if I could explain it, I'm pretty dern sure theres not a soul that could understand it... (and I'm also pretty sure that it'd be expressed in terms of a second order homogenous nonlinear differential equation in thirty nine variables).

Maybe forty.

What I'm saying is that there's definitely something wrong with my head... and by that I mean that there's definitely something more than just the migraines that last weeks at a time.

Anyway... maybe I'll figure it out... maybe I won't. Either way I suppose it's no concern of yours.

Whenever I write in this thing I just end up getting more and more pissed off...

That's not good.

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