
04.22.04 - 9:39 PM

I decided that, based on the advice of my physics professors, I am going to start preparing for the GRE physics examination starting this summer.

To begin? I'm going to do every single problem from our school's introductory physics textbook.

That's 2,925 problems.

I think I can do it in a month.

Of course, to do that during the month of June, say, I'll need to do an average of 97.5 problems per day.

And, of course, these ARE introductory-level problems, similar to those on the multiple-choice GRE.

I think I can do it.

I promised to write it up nicely and they are going to make copies and have it bound and use it as the solutions manual for the classes (PHYS 171, 172, 173).

Which is kind of cool...

But yeah... 97.5 problems per day during June.

Fun fun.

I'll probably just go into the lab once a week during the summer and JUST work problems... if I do that I only have to do an average of 243 problems per trip...

That'll work.

But yeah... almost 3,000 problems, a research project, and a laboratory to organize this summer...

I can do that.

Oh, plus my quest to catalogue and photograph (good) all 133 Messier objects as well as all the important stuff for the night sky.


I think I can do it.

(I'll just move into the lab!)


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