
"I can't please myself, and I can't please nobody else time and time again."
06.21.04 - 10:56 PM

I'm kind of sad today. No particular reason for me to be so, of course... I just am. I'm weird like that, I guess.

I guess it's the continued feeling of unworthiness that is the cause. I don't feel like being around people right now... I just want to sit on my room, meta-mod and post on /., and think about my research.

I made a few pages of notes today while sitting in my doctor's waiting area. A little old lady was sitting next to me waiting on her husband and asked me what I was writing. She was a nice lady. I told her I was a physicist and I was working on a problem. She asked me what problem I was working on... I smiled and said "What is the universe?"

Anyway, my doctor also commented on my notes today, as I was writing them still as he came into the examination room. He said he didn't know I was a graduate student. I said I wasn't. He laughed and said "Yeah, I know. I was making fun of your work ethic."

I don't know why I decided to include that but I did so you had to read it and now you're thinking "what the fuck man, why are you telling us completely random things?"

My response: I don't know... I felt like it.

Anywho... the doc still said he doesn't know why I'm getting headaches but said that if the meditation things helps them, I should keep it up. He also suggested I take a yoga class... as they are apparently good relaxation inducers.

Whatever... the only reason I'm going to do it is because it offers me the unique opportunity to be around women... I loves me some women.

I'm kind of tired now, and I want to lay in bed with my legal pad and think about my research some more.

Aren't I cool?

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