
"Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
07.07.04 - 9:24 PM

I've been keeping out of the limelight as much as possible lately. I've been really focused on my theoretical research, as well as my job assisting with research.

I have kind of lost myself in the world of the abstract, where all I can envision at night is bash shells and two loop Feynman diagrams... where all that matters is if it compiles and whether or not you violated any conservation law (or psuedo-conservation law if you think along with the Glashow-Weinberg-Salam theory).

The good news is that I'm definitely a lot brighter than I was a while back, though what I've made in genius comes from normalcy, I fear.

Perhaps it's what was meant to be... I do not know for certain...

What I do know is that my plan to "bring it" is thus far a sucess, and it looks as though my goal might be within reach...

Another good note... I go to this cat� every day for lunch, and the waitress there is now what I guess can be called a friend... insofaras she knows my name and thinks physics is sexy...

So while retreating in thought, I have brought attention to myself from this girl... interesting...

"Well, I think so Brain, but I can't memorize a whole opera in yiddish."

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