
10.31.04 - 8:14 PM

Yeah... so nothing is new... my mom comes home tomorrow... I have a presentation on Tuesday for code which, as I found out today, doesn't work... Either that or Dave wrote the data wrong in his writeup... which may have happened... but I doubt...

I couldn't do any of the proofs for my geometry class... even though I've spent several hours staring at them and/or banging my head on the desk...

Tomorrow will be hectic... Tuesday even more so... and then, hey, Wednesday I have a quantum homework due, and Friday I have a quantum test...

I'm tired...

I need to make it to the inner term. The inner term will be relaxing... just research... a month of nothing but research... no deadlines... no nothing...

I can't wait.

Feeling: Tired
Listening To: Bonnie McKee - Trouble

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